Wednesday 14 February 2018

5 Must Have Android Apps For Students

Applications To Help The Modern Student

A students life is generally spent on the run juggling between petty finances, studies, assignments and grades. Instead of spending time on social media apps, there are a few apps out there which can help students be more productive.
We bring to you 5 such apps for students which can prove beneficial for them.


Nowadays, comparison becomes the most important part of our life from shopping on E-commerce platform to buying a birthday gift for your love once. Punchit is an amazing platform where you can compare anything in the very easiest way. - Social Comparison - YouthApps


This is an amazing short news apps which will save you a lot of time and effort. It also helps you to stay in the competitive times. It is great for searching and organizing news stories. You can save news articles and other blogs as well. The best part is that after you save your content, you don’t need an internet connection to see it again. Also whenever you find any interesting news on web you can short it by clicking on the option to short with Awesummly and you don’t have to read the full article. 


Have an urgent assignment to be sent to a friend? Scan using CamScanner, create an instant PDF and send it along. The app also comes to the rescue when a few pages from a library book needs to be scanned in an easy manner. 


So we all make notes during that lecture. The best thing about Evernote is its cross-platform availability and despite the fact that it is hugely popular, this one never grows old in the list. Along with those notes, you can use images and voice notes as well. 

In Fact

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It is one of the best application for students. As students need to be aware of the world and the latest events around the world, this app allows students access to information according to their needs on a daily basis. In Fact brings the best of facts, knowledge and information from across the world.

Utilize these apps and stay ahead of the times.


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